Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Getting Good at Goodbyes

Since I started on August 15th, I have bid farewell to 6 co-workers:

  1. Andrea took a job at The Ronald McDonald House.
  2. Caitlin went back home to Kentucky.
  3. Brent took a job in Minnesota.
  4. Stephany's internship ended.
  5. Ve-Lyssa's internship ended.
  6. Delia's internship ended.

After Caitlin left, I was quite the sad sack. Stephany was here a few days a week but I needed someone to sit next to me every day. That's where Carlin shakes in. 

Yvonne and Erin bought him for me to cheer me up and it WORKED! I put glasses on him and tossed him around the room like he was one of my own. The only issue arose when I got him confused with Stephany, who was pregnant at the time. Since I had to touch Carlin's belly to get him to shake, I had to control myself around Stefy's belly which was growing every week. She probably wouldn't have gyrated like Carlin did, but I didn't want to take the chance.

It didn't take long for Carlin's batteries to die and after that I neglected him. In fact, I brought a royal Bulldog to the office who quickly dethroned Carlin.

I knew Stefy Boo would eventually leave and it would be difficult to say goodbye but before she left Yvonne brought in 2 new Development Interns. They showed Carlin the attention he deserved...

Ve-Lyssa and Delia have been a lot of fun to work with. They are each their own animal - Delia is like a hard-working Bull who fights for what she wants. Ve-Lyssa is like a Wild Horse who has nary a care in the world. We took a few photos together...


And this:

Which turned into this:

But all good things must come to an end and my time with the girls was no different. After 4 months together, I bid them adieu. Ve-Lyssa's last day was Monday and we were able to nail this potential Magazine cover photo...

Yesterday I had to say goodbye to my Delly Belly, who bought me a few of them being a selfie stick!

We got some cool shots, including one of the back of my head which I hadn't seen in a while. Last but not least she got me this amazing English Bulldog notebook...

Thank you for the gifts, Delia and thank you girls for the fun we had (I don't know why I'm thanking them here because they don't read the blog).

It's my first day of many alone in this office but I'm doing alright. I've learned how to appreciate the good times and enjoy the moments. Erin is leaving for another job in 2 weeks so I'll have to do this again! No worries though...with 7 sayonaras in 9 months, I'm getting good at goodbyes.

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